I Need a Post Vacation Vacation

Travel with a four year is not a vacation in the true sense of the word.
We returned this week from a 10 day stay upstate. While it was good to get away, I can't say that I've come home rejuvenated.
Seth completely rejected the notion of trying the kiddie camp, so downtime for Marc (my husband) and I did not exist as I had hoped.
It was nice to spend time as a family without the distractions of home and my typical To Do list, but I'm sure you can guess who dictated, for the most past, our choice of activity at Mohonk Mountain House, the resort where we stayed.
We went boating, attempted fishing (though I'm not keen on the whole worm thing....or the idea of spearing a living creature), explored the grounds, took a stab at hitting golf balls....etc. But, most of our time, on a daily basis, was spent either at the indoor pool or man made beach lake area.
I did manage to squeeze in a massage, which I adored, and had fleeting pockets of time to read and take an art class. What I really wanted most was the opportunity to do some hiking and sitting in one of the many thatched huts surrounding the spectacular lake and mountains. It is there that in the past I've been alone with my thoughts and could clear my mind....something I don't do well at home.
I guess this is the way vacations sometimes go when your child (especially a busy boy) is no longer an infant you can contain in a stroller.
To his credit, Seth showed a huge sense of autonomy, easily navigating the resort and playing on his own at times. That was great to see.
We are considering a winter vacation, when Seth is on break from Pre-K, and I imagine we'll be looking at places like Disney, etc. There, I will not have the expectation of chilling, and I guess that's the key. To let go of vacations as we've known them....go with the flow....make the most of family time.....and know that our kids grow up fast, so relish even the less than relaxing times.
I would, however, welcome another moms retreat with gal pals, or a weekend to myself.
How have your vacations gone since you've become a mom?
Labels: Disney, kiddie camp, Mohonk, toddler, travel with children, vacation