Saturday, June 23, 2007

Graduation Smiles...and Tears

Seth graduated nursery school this week, and it was really touching and special.

He marched into the classroom, leading the other children, wearing a construction paper cap, taking his seat front 'n center. Each child was called up for a diploma, and we were given a glimpse into how they have been spending their time at school.

Chris, the music teacher, led them in two songs they performed. Miles the Crocodile, which they sang, and the Move It, Move It song, as Seth calls it, where they did some head nods and booty (one of Seth's favorite words) shaking. While a bit out of sync, it was one of the few times I have seen Seth endeavor to show some rhythm and stay with the pack. He is usually the one who marches to the beat of his own drum.

Then, the teacher played a power point presentation featuring photos snapped during the year of the kids engaged in various activities. It was so cute to see Seth's little spirit and spit fire personality shine through some of the shots. But, I thought I would lose it when the Whitney Houston song played The Greatest Love of All. I got all choked up.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry through much of it. My little guy is growing up....making friends....learning things.....and I am not the only influencer in his life. He had a really positive experience at school this year, and he'll go here again next year, and I'm so very glad to see how far he has come in his young life. I will always be the proud mama, and knew that I'm an emotional/sensitive person, but there is something about your child that brings that out all the more in you. I better start investing in loads of Kleenix. The waterworks have only just begun.


Blogger Love Mommy said...

I can really relate to your blog, about nursery school and all the milestones that as wonderful as they are, represent a new "letting go" in your relationship with your child. I wrote all about those mini milestones in my recently published book called "Love Mommy: Writing Love Letters To Your Baby." (Published by ECW PRESS) And in the original version there was a very poignant story about signing my son up for nursery school and how very hard it was to imagine him going out into the world every day, after being with me for the first three years. That's why I think it's so important to write it all down, to chronicle those early years for them and for you.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Rhea said...

I've been looking for a blog like yours. Lots of my friends (and readers of my blog) are late in life parents. Especially adoptive parents of Chinese girls.

7:02 AM  

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